Les enfants s’amuseront au gymnase avant le dîner et une pause « repos » est prévue pour les plus jeunes. En après-midi les enfants auront la chance de rencontrer Lynn Gaudet et son chien Dudley. Lynn et Dudley enseigneront aux enfants comment se comporter avec un chien, puis ils feront un bricolage. Pour assurer une fin d’activité pleine d’énergie, le groupe Razzmatazz animera les enfants avec sa musique éducative et entraînante.
Les frais de déplacement seront remboursés à ceux et celles qui utilisent leur voiture. Nous encourageons le covoiturage.
L’inscription est obligatoire avant mercredi le 19 février. Inscription simple et rapide en ligne au www.bit.ly/forumprovincial ou contacter Jacinthe Lemire au 902-388-1472
Au plaisir de vous voir en grand nombre!
The PEI French Health Network has organized a free special activity on Saturday, February 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Centre Belle-Alliance (5, Maris Stella Avenue, Summerside) as part of the Healthy Early Years program. This day targets parents of French-speaking children from 0 to 6 years old as well as early childhood workers.
The doors will be open at 10:45 am for the reception and a snack. At 11:00 am, adults will be invited to a conference by pediatrician Élaine Deschênes, who specializes in social pediatrics. After lunch, the findings from the regional consultations and research undertaken during the last months will be presented, allowing for constructive discussions on community activities that would increase access to health services and programs for young Francophones and their families. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of French programs and services for your family and your community. A professional French/English interpreter will be available for English-speaking parents. Lunch will be offered on site.
Children will have fun in the gymnasium before dinner and a “rest” break is planned for the younger participants. In the afternoon, the kids will have the opportunity to meet Lynn Gaudet and her dog Dudley. Lynn and Dudley will teach the kids how to behave with a dog and will facilitate an arts and crafts project. To ensure an energetic end to the activity, Razzmatazz will entertain the children with their educational and catchy music.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed to traveling participants. We also encourage carpooling.
Registration is required before Wednesday February 19.
Quick and easy online registration available at www.bit.ly/forumprovincial or contact Jacinthe Lemire at 902-388-1472
Looking forward to seeing you!